Not all of our jobs are on the lake during the warm Michigan summer months! In fact, we were reminded of this unique beach sanding and installation project recently as the winter thawed and signs of spring began to pop up all around. The job we’re going to discuss today was completed last spring, and instead of the usual lakefront setting, this project was done on our client’s private pond.
As previously mentioned, we definitely had to “suit up” for this job due to the weather, which occurred after the winter thaw and well into the start of spring. Contrary to some of our other beach sanding projects, this job entailed both beach sanding in and out of the water. Simply put, this means that the customer wanted both a stable, muck-free pond bottom in the water (approximately 800 square ft), as well as a small area (approximately 500 square ft) out of the water to enjoy the picturesque and serene nature of their waterfront landscape.

We began the project shortly after arriving at the jobsite and assessing the area and location of the beach. Graciously, our client had already dug out the shoreline for us prior to our arrival, so we were able to see where they wanted the inland portion of the beach more easily. This also shortened our overall job completion time quite substantially, allowing us to complete the project in just under 5 hours! After our initial assessment, we brought in our trusty Sand Pro System, dump truck, shovels, landscaping fabric, rakes, and other tools we commonly utilize for each and every job.
First, we sectioned off the area of the in-water portion of the beach using geo-textile landscape fabric and stakes to anchor them into the water and hold it steady. Admittedly, after wading into the water, we were surprised to discover just how deep the pond actually was! However, this didn’t stop us or slow our progress, as we are accustomed to working in all sorts of water conditions throughout Michigan. The geo-textile fabric we use is ideal because it allows us to pump a sand and water slurry mix overtop of it evenly, while simultaneously creating a barrier for future weeds and muck. After laying the fabric out, we extended the hoses from our Sand Pro System truck down to the water and began pumping – the blue hoses pumping water out of the pond and into the mixing container of the truck, and the red hoses delivering the slurry sand/water mix back down to the pond to be distributed evenly on top of the landscape fabric.
Upon completing the in-water portion of this job, we began bringing loads of mason beach sand down to the waterfront to create the out-of-water beach! Also laid upon landscape fabric to help with beach maintenance and longevity, we evenly spread the sand out over an approximately 500 square foot area, creating a unique and tranquil place for our customers to enjoy their newly-formed beach area!
Another job in the books, and another happy customer! At TT&C Beaches, we stand by our work and pride ourselves in professionalism and workmanship, offering a 3 year warranty on all of our beach projects. With summer just around the corner, don’t hesitate to email or call us for your free beach evaluation and quote today!